WHERE Clause

Filter rows

WHERE Clause

The WHERE clause specifies any filters to apply to the data. This allows you to select only a subset of the data in which you are interested. The WHERE clause can contained multiple criterions but all of them will be combined with an AND operator.

All criterions compare a facet or a measure or the timestamp, left part of the expression, to a reference value which is always the right part of the expression.


The following dicers can be applied to any facet:

  • Equal, represented by the keyword IS. It validates if the value of the facet is equal to the reference value.
  • Different, represented by the keyword IS NOT. It validates if the value of the facet is not equal to the reference value.
  • Array, represented by the keyword IN followed by a list of reference values contained between parenthesis and separated by commas. It validates if the value of the facet is equal to any of the reference values.


    WindPark IS 'Wind parks in the Sky'
    AND Producers IN ('Green Power Inc.', 'Future Energy')


The following sifters can be applied to any measurement:

For all sifters the value of the measurement is compared to the reference value, with the help of an operator.

  • Gatherer is keeping the row, if the result of the comparison is positive.
  • Culler, is the negation of a gatherer.

The operators are =, <, <=, > and >=.


WHERE Produced < 25


The following temporizers can be applied to the timestamp:

For all temporizers the value of the measurement is compared to the reference value.

  • AFTER is holding the row, if the timestamp of the row is after the reference value, which is a timestamp.
  • BEFORE is holding the row, if the timestamp of the row is before the reference value, which is a timestamp.
  • Range is holding the row, if the timestamp of the row is between the two reference values. The syntax is timestamp_column BETWEEN soonest_value AND latest_value where the two values are timestamps.
  • SINCE is holding the row, if the timestamp of the row is contained in an interval ending now and of a duration equal to the reference value which is an *interval.


    Instant BETWEEN TIMESTAMP '2023-09-01' AND TIMESTAMP '2023-10-01'

Virtual measurements