SQL Aggregations

Retrieve rows from the database

A SQL aggregation is the transformation of a set of values to return a single value. Aggragate only applies to measurements. It is done with the help of aggregate functions and optionally a filter.

Aggregations are expressions, stipulated in the SELECT clause, an alias is mandatory for each of them.

Aggregate functions

The following functions are implemented

  • MAX: returns the largest value of a measurement
  • MIN: returns the smallest value of a measurement
  • AVG: returns the average value of a measurement
  • MEDIAN: returns the value in the middle of a set of values, meaning that 50% of data points have a value smaller or equal to the median and 50% of data points have a value larger or equal to the median
  • SUM: returns the sum of all values of a measurement
  • PRODUCT: returns the product of all values of a measurement
  • COUNT: returns the number of non-null values for a measurement, a facet or a timestamp.

Each function accept an argument which must be a reference to a measurement, except for COUNT which also accepts reference to a facet or a timestamp or even a reference to a full row (*).

NULL values are never taken into account into the aggregation functions. It means that athe average of values 3, 5 and NULL is 4 (which calculated as (3+5)/2).

Filter clause

The FILTER clause may optionally follow an aggregate function in a SELECT statement. This will filter the rows of data that are fed into the aggregate function in the same way that a WHERE clause filters rows, but localized to the specific aggregate function.

Expl: the following query aggregates all rows (expect the ones from the WindPark named Wind in the Sky defined in the WHERE clause) and returns two values. The first one is the average of all rows where the production is less than 5 and the second one where the production is more than 25.

    AVG(Produced) FILTER(WHERE Produced < 5) AS AvgSmallProduction,
    AVG(Produced) FILTER(WHERE Produced > 25) AS AvgLargeProduction,
    WindPark IS NOT 'Wind in the Sky'

SQL Windows