Got Any Questions

Some questions to ask?

We encourage you to ask your questions in the Q&A category of the discussions feature on the the GitHub repository. Please don’t use Twitter or LinkedIn for this.

Ideas for new features?

New ideas are welcome! Feel free to share them in the Ideas category of the discussions feature on the the GitHub repository.

You already have a good idea how to describe your new idea? Go ahead and write down your user-story in the Issues tab. No specific format is needed.

Facing a bug?

Please report the discovered bug in the Issues section. No specific format of report is needed but we need to know the connection url that you’re using (feel free to change a few chars but we need something very close) and also the version of the provider (and of the database). If you’re receiving an error message, please include it!

Willing to contribute?

The best is always to first open an idea or an issue. Always better to discuss the purpose before going too far on the development.

Then, when implemented, you can submit Pull Requests. Don’t forget to include the corresponding tests and documentation, we won’t accept any pull request that is not coming with tests and/or documentation. Your pull requests will be manually reviewed and accepted.

Other kind of contact needed?

The best is to shout me (in English or French) on @Seddryck on twitter. Naturally, answering questions or providing support is not possible through this medium, use the means provided above for this kind of questions.

Getting Started
Tseesecake SQL dialect
Mounting time-series