Span mapper and object builder

This documentation explains how to use the SpanMapper<T> and SpanObjectBuilder<T> classes for mapping and parsing flat-file data. Their primary purpose is to configure the mapping of fields from delimited data to a strongly-typed class. These features are designed to work with the To<T> method, which facilitates conversion of CSV rows into instances of T. Each row’s fields are mapped according to the schema defined in SpanObjectBuilder<T> or the SpanMapper<T> delegate, ensuring accurate transformation into structured objects.


public delegate T SpanMapper<T>(ReadOnlySpan<char> span, IEnumerable<FieldSpan> fieldSpans);

The SpanMapper<T> delegate maps data from a ReadOnlySpan<char> representing a row of delimited flat-file data into a strongly-typed object of type T. It uses a collection of FieldSpan objects to determine the start and length of each field in the span.

  • span: The source ReadOnlySpan<char> containing the delimited row data.
  • fieldSpans: A collection of FieldSpan objects defining the start position and length of each field in the row.

Class SpanObjectBuilder<T>

The SpanObjectBuilder<T> class is designed to instantiate strongly-typed objects (T) from delimited flat-file data. It supports default parsers for common data types and allows customization via the SetParser method and the Parse delegate.

Instantiate a SpanObjectBuilder

public T Instantiate(ReadOnlySpan<char> span, IEnumerable<FieldSpan> fieldSpans)

Creates an instance of type T using constructor injection. The fields in the constructor are populated based on fieldSpans and the mapped parsers in ParserMapping.

  • span: The ReadOnlySpan<char> containing the delimited row data.
  • fieldSpans: A collection of FieldSpan objects specifying the position and length of each field.


  1. Identifies the appropriate constructor of T by matching the number of fields in fieldSpans.
  2. Iterates through each FieldSpan, using the associated parser to convert the field to the required type.
  3. If a type lacks a parser, throws an exception.
  4. If parsing fails, throws a FormatException with detailed error information.


var builder = new SpanObjectBuilder<MyClass>();
var spans = new List<FieldSpan>
    new FieldSpan { Start = 0, Length = 5 },   // Field 1
    new FieldSpan { Start = 6, Length = 10 }  // Field 2
var obj = builder.Instantiate("12345     true", spans);

Specifying the field parsers


If you need to parse additional types or override the default behavior, use the SetParser method.

Customizes the parser for a specific data type.

  • TField: The type for which the parser is being set.
  • parse: A delegate implementing custom parsing logic for TField.


var builder = new SpanObjectBuilder<MyClass>();
builder.SetParser<Guid>(s => Guid.Parse(s));

Parse delegate

public delegate object? Parse(ReadOnlySpan<char> span);

The Parse delegate defines a method for parsing a ReadOnlySpan<char> into an object of a specific type. It is used to handle custom parsing for various data types in the SpanObjectBuilder<T> class.

  • span: The ReadOnlySpan<char> containing the value to parse.

Default Parsers

By default, the SpanObjectBuilder<T> supports the following types:

  • Strings
  • Numbers (int, long, short, byte, float, double, decimal)
  • Booleans
  • Dates (DateTime, DateOnly, TimeOnly, DateTimeOffset)
  • Characters (char)

To<T> Method

To integrate SpanMapper<T> and SpanObjectBuilder<T>:

  1. Define a SpanMapper<T> that calls the Instantiate method of SpanObjectBuilder<T>.
  2. Use the To<T> method to map rows of delimited data into strongly-typed objects.


SpanMapper<MyClass> mapper = (span, fieldSpans) => 
    new SpanObjectBuilder<MyClass>().Instantiate(span, fieldSpans);

var result = mapper("12345     true".AsSpan(), fieldSpans);

Fluent API for Schema