Using Multiple Sources in Didot

Didot supports multiple data sources directly from the console, allowing you to build complex models by defining each source as a distinct part. Each source is specified using a key:value format, where each key becomes a unique child within the model structure, allowing you to reference data in a hierarchical way (e.g., model.key).



Each key represents a child name under model, allowing you to organize and access data parts with descriptive keys.

Example usage

Suppose you have two data files that represent different parts of a model:

  • user.yaml: Contains user information.
  • config.json: Holds configuration settings.

Command Example

didot -t template.html -s user:user.yaml;settings:config.json -o output.html

In this case:

  • user.yaml is assigned to the user key.
  • config.json is assigned to the settings key.

How Data Appears in the Model

With the above command, the data model created would look like this:

  user: # Data from user.yaml
    name: "John Doe"
    email: ""
  settings: # Data from settings.json
    theme: "dark"
    notifications: true

This allows you to access user and settings data within your template, using paths like and model.settings.theme.

Template usage

The following template is written with handlebars template language:

<h1>User Information</h1>
<p>Name: {{}}</p>
<p>Email: {{}}</p>

<p>Theme: {{model.settings.theme}}</p>
<p>Notifications Enabled: {{model.settings.notifications}}</p>

Key points

  • Format: Use key:path for each source and separate multiple sources with semicolons.
  • Hierarchy: Each key becomes a child of model, allowing hierarchical access to each data part in your templates.
  • Flexible: Data Integration: Combine multiple data sources seamlessly, enabling more complex and modular template generation. With this approach, Didot provides flexibility in managing multi-source data, making it easy to build robust, organized models for dynamic template generation.

Specify parser's parameters
Template Rendering Configuration